Respect for Human Rights
The Company sets the SIR Group Human Rights Policy, which was resolved by the Board of Directors, based on discussions in the Sustainability Committee. This policy is set to protect all employees, temporary workers, including those who work for its business clients through the Staffing SBU, and its senior management. The Company is also committed to carefully identifying risks, and to respecting and protecting human rights which may be affected by the rapid development of technology.
The SIR Group respects human rights. To ensure that each and every employee has a correct understanding and awareness of human rights, we will enhance internal education by incorporating education on human rights into diversity training, position-based training at each company, and other training programs to raise the awareness of human rights among all employees.
The SIR Group recognizes respect for human rights as a global code of conduct and we have established the SIR Group Human Rights Policy as our basic stance on human rights. We remain committed to respecting human rights and the diverse values of individuals, as well as contributing to the realization of a society in which everyone can manifest their abilities to the fullest.
Key Issues Related to Human Rights
The SIR Group supports and respects international norms such as the International Bill of Human Rights, and recognizes the following items as important human rights issues and is working on them.
Fair treatment
In its SIR Group Human Rights Policy, the SIR Group adhere to and respect core labor standards, including the elimination of discrimination in employment and work. In the SIR Group's Behavior Standard, the SIR Group stipulates that it will conduct its business activities while respecting the human rights of all stakeholders, including employees.
- About employee wages, the company has established wages that exceed the minimum wage standards set in the respective countries and strives to maintain and improve the living standards of its employees.
- We comply with all applicable wage laws (e.g., equal pay for equal work) and pay employees fair and equitable compensation.
- We conduct internal audits on a regular basis to ensure that the employment regulations of our affiliates in Vietnam and overseas are in compliance with the law and that they are being followed.
- To ensure sustainable growth together with the local communities in which we operate, we actively recruit locally at each of our bases.
Safe and healthy work environment
In its SIR Group Human Rights Policy, the SIR Group adhere to and respect core labor standards, including maintaining a safe and healthy workplace environment. In the SIR Group Code of Conduct, the SIR Group states that it will ensure the health and safety of all parties involved in its business by ensuring health and safety in the workplace and practicing safe behaviors.
Some of our overseas business sites are located in countries where HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria are key problems. The SIR Group is proactive in taking actions to solve these global health problems. We also implement measures to prevent health issues caused by excessive workloads and improve the workplace environment by conducting stress checks for mental health, reducing total working hours, and improving the utilization rate of annual leave, thereby reforming the way we work.
Going forward, we will also be proactive in taking initiatives such as support for local infection control activities.
For expatriate employees, we conduct medical checkups, vaccinations, and mental health assessments before dispatching, and we provide regular medical checkups and appropriate guidance during the mission.
Overseas offices are implementing health and sanitation improvement programs for the local communities.
In addition, overseas plantation companies provide medical support such as health checkups, opening of clinics and emergency transport support in areas where access to public services is difficult due to the medical situations of local communities.
Occupational Health and Safety (Harassment prevention)
The SIR Group's Behavior Standard stipulates that we will not engage in any acts of harassment, including power harassment and sexual harassment, or invasion of privacy, and that we will not allow others to do so. We have also established "Harassment Prevention Regulations" in our employment regulations, and are working to prevent harassment, which is a familiar violation of human rights.
Prohibition of child labor and forced labor
In its SIR Group Human Rights Policy, the SIR Group adhere to and respect core labor standards, including the prohibition of child labor and forced labor. The SIR Group's Behavior Standard stipulates that child labor and forced labor are strictly prohibited.
We believe that children's rights are vulnerable to infringement and that special consideration should be given to their human rights.
The SIR Group endorses the United Nations and ILO conventions on children’s rights, and takes steps in each region to ensure that children’s right are respected.
Our activities
Carries out awareness-raising activities and initiatives, including on health, for students (mainly junior high school students) of local communities.
- Adolescent pregnancy and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, syphilis, and gonorrhea Domestic violence
- Sexual harassment Bullying
- Prevention of dengue fever and yellow fever Drugs, etc.
Rights of Indigenous peoples (Respect for local culture)
In its Oji Group Human Rights Policy, the Oji Group clearly states its support to and respect international human rights, including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and free, prior, and informed consent. We shall respect the culture, customs, and values of each country and region, and shall work in good faith and in concert with the people of each country to develop our business.
In the pursuit of global activities, as part of respecting human rights, we will understand and consider the indigenous people's unique culture and history in business operations in areas where indigenous communities exist. This includes taking into account the local laws and internationally mandated rights of the respective regions.