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Environmental Management

To support the longevity of our world, which is the foundation of our corporate activities, the Company specifically considers climate change as important among various environmental issues, and commits to reducing greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions by setting a group-wide target.

Environmental Policy

As part of its responsibility, the establishment of this policy is approved by the president in charge of Sustainability. S.I.R Group’s Environmental Policy lays out the basics for the group to conduct its environmental activities in the following four areas that contribute toward conservation of the planet, in strict compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

Basic Philosophy

S.I.R Group recognizes that it is a member of the irreplaceable earth, and each and every one of our employees will conduct business activities in consideration of the environment, while at the same time, fostering the mind to preserve the environment and contribute to a brighter world where all individuals can live life to the fullest.

Principles for action

1. Conservation of the Planet through Our Business Activities
We actively strive to provide our customers and other stakeholders with information to enhance their environmental awareness via all of our business activities, products, and services. We also carry out quantitative measurements of our environmental conservation activities, and publicly report the progress we make.

2. Initiatives to Prevent Climate Change
Striving toward realizing a decarbonized society in line with the Paris Agreement, we monitor our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions - not just from electricity, gas, heat, water use, and others driven by our own offices, but through our entire value chain*1 - and work together with our partners to reduce these emissions. As part of these activities, we strive to use 100% renewable energy*2 and avoid funding any climate-denial or lobbying activities against climate regulations. In addition, we will engage with the group’s internal and external stakeholders, and contribute to the capacity building to reduce GHG emissions.

3. Recycling, Reducing Energy Use, Pollution Prevention, and Biodiversity Preservation
We work to gauge every stage of the environmental impact through our entire value chain. Building on this knowledge, we actively work with our business partners to promote recycling and reduce energy use, as well as improve energy efficiency, prevent environmental contamination, save water, and preserve the world's biodiversity.

4. Fostering Employee Eco-Awareness and Supporting Their Actions
We provide support so that all S.I.R Group employees can enhance their awareness of the need to address the climate crisis and give full consideration to the environment in all actions and proposals in their work and daily lives.

Our Initiatives

Based on our principles, we are taking the following initiatives.

(1) Conservation of the Planet through Our Business Activities

  • Sharing of environmental information through feature articles and other means

  • Development of environmentally friendly products and services

  • Environmental preservation and other activities with client and customer participation

(2) Initiatives to Prevent Climate Change

  • Companywide Efforts: Calculation and monitoring of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and taking measures to reduce them

  • Activities in our print publications: Distribution efficiency and thorough management of the recycling rate for unsold/remaining publications

  • Activities in our online services: Integration of data centers

(3) Recycling, Reducing Energy Use, Pollution Prevention, and Biodiversity Preservation

  • Environmental efficiency indicators

  • Cooperation with suppliers in the papermaking and printing stages

  • Monitoring of environmental efficiency indicators

  • Participation in afforestation projects

(4) Fostering Employee Eco-awareness and Supporting Their Actions

  • Energy and resource savings in office activities

  • Energy and resource savings in setting up offices

  • Checks with compliance tests

  • Certification Test for Environmental Specialists

Raising employee awareness

Resource conservation initiatives at workplaces

S.I.R Group began vigorously implementing environmentally conscious activities in company offices.

At our main offices lights automatically go off 4 times a day to save energy. During the daytime, floors that receive good sunlight use this natural light for office lighting during hours when it is bright outside. We also conduct energy- and resource-saving activities across our locations nationwide, focusing on everything from conference rooms to copy machines.

Resource conservation initiatives at workplaces

The S.I.R Group makes frequent organizational changes and personnel moves in response to changes in the external environment. These department and personnel transfers, movements, and layout changes require considerable electricity and other energy in addition to labor and money. To save in all these areas, we arrange sets of common furniture and fixtures in fixed arrangements, using these layouts so that it is only the people who need to move during organizational and personnel moves. This kind of office setup is in place at locations nationwide to reduce environmental impacts and increase office responsiveness to external change. At the same time, we actively promote green purchasing when purchasing office supplies, giving priority to products with the smallest environmental impact.

We also actively conduct activities to save resources in our regular office activities, including paperless meetings and reductions in office paper use within the company.