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Management Philosophy and Strategy

Management Philosophy

The SIR Group has grown into a global company group with diversified businesses and overseas sales ratio of over 30%, with the management philosophy of “Creation of Innovative Value”, “Contribution to the Future and the World”, and “Harmony with Nature and Society”. In the midst of the recent drastically and rapidly changing business environment, we reaffirm our commitment towards being a manufacturing company that meets the ever-changing needs of the times and supports our future. SIR Group will continue advancing forward, aiming towards the development of a sustainable society.

Creation of Innovative Value

We will strive to offer “innovative value” that fulfill the society’s latent needs by swiftly grasping the change in values across broad fields of the society and promoting the “challenging manufacturing” with novel ideas.

Contribution to the Future and the World

We will continue to be a global company that provides “innovative value” for every country and region and works towards creating a new future.

Harmony with Nature and Society

We will actively address environmental problems and contribute towards the realization of a sustainable society for the sake of continual existence and flourishing with nature and the Earth.