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Environmental Protection

To support the longevity of our world, which is the foundation of our corporate activities, the Company specifically considers climate change as important among various environmental issues, and commits to reducing greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions by setting a group-wide target. The progress of the target will be monitored by the Board of Directors, based on discussions in the Sustainability Committee.

The COO, Managing Corporate Executive Officer and Director of the Board is responsible for climate change matters, and identifies, evaluates and oversees the Company’s opportunities and risks related to climate change. In addition, the Company will also take initiatives including climate risk analyses, and aims to provide disclosures aligned with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) framework from FY2021. The Board of Directors is also responsible for establishing a structure for the Company to take appropriate measures for climate change, and oversees its initiatives.

Our Commitment to Climate Action

Greenhouse Gas Emissions*2

Achieving carbon neutrality across our entire value chain by FY2030*2

Become carbon neutral by FY2030 with respect to GHG emissions from approximately 986K t-CO2 in FY 2019.

We only have one planet, and everyone has a responsibility to protect the health and longevity of our home. S.I.R Group is committed to protecting our environment by focusing on action against climate change, and setting a group-wide target for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to achieve carbon neutrality.

Climate Action

Initiatives and Progress to Reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

To achieve carbon neutrality throughout the entire value chain, we are first working on energy-saving and renewable energy power plans for office electricity. For offices that cannot transition to more energy-saving menus or renewable energy power plans.

Even after that, if there are any residual emissions, we use removal credits that connect to solving various SDGs issues including climate change to contribute to the planet and environment as a whole, for example tree planting removal credits certified by international accreditation bodies.

Our Initiatives

Each company within S.I.R Group umbrella is taking advantage of its specific business characteristics to reduce its GHG emissions.

In addition to reducing GHG emissions in our business activities, we will accelerate efforts to reduce GHG emissions in the value chain, which accounts for more than 95%.

In particular, we promote remote work to reduce emissions from commuting, as well as partner engagements with companies in the value chain.

Climate related Risks and Opportunities

We only have one planet, and everyone has a responsibility to protect the health and longevity of our home. Recruit Group has committed to climate action by setting climate change countermeasures and is implementing initiatives based on climate change scenario analysis. We have identified climate related risks and opportunities for our businesses.

Climate-related Opportunities

The main opportunities for change derived from environmental shifts include new employment needs and necessary changes in work styles as we transition to a low-carbon society. For example, the demand for staff with specific environmental knowledge and skill sets will increase as society focuses on countermeasures to combat climate change. Workstyle needs will also have to diversify if the place and time of work change due to rising temperatures.

We anticipate that if we can speed up the alignment of job matching with these changes, it will lead to significant business opportunities. Our team will continue to monitor global trends and assess the scope of impact derived by climate change. Based on our findings, we will take the most appropriate action with a view to expanding our business opportunities.