(+84) 2873071383 (+84) 2873071383

Material Foundation for Corporate Activities

SIR Group strives to build open and honest relationships with stakeholders, paying great attention to the promotion of business ethics, unconditional compliance with legal requirements, strict observance of human rights and the effectiveness of the anti-corruption system. Guiding ethical principles SIR Group strives to build ...
The Company sets material foundations for corporate activities to increase its corporate value in a sustainable manner by prospering together with all stakeholders. The material foundations are identified based on dialogue, including sustainability topics, with its external stakeholders, and internal discussions ...
The Company views corporate ethics and compliance as a fundamental prerequisite for our corporate activities, and defines it as meeting society’s expectations and demands through appropriate action both as a company and as individuals, beyond the framework of solely legal compliance. ...
The Company sets Data Security and Data Privacy as a high-prioritized risk, and takes appropriate initiatives depending on the importance of the data or information in our possession as well as the characteristics of the data or information to be protected. ...
Management Philosophy The SIR Group has grown into a global company group with diversified businesses and overseas sales ratio of over 30%, with the management philosophy of “Creation of Innovative Value”, “Contribution to the Future and the World”, and “Harmony with Nature and ...
I. We, the management and employees of the SIR Group, hereby adopt the SIR Group Corporate Code of Conduct, as detailed below, as guiding principles for corporate activities based on awareness of our responsibilities as a corporate citizen in international society, and on ...